Ackerman’s Community Book Club is a new series of reading recommendations curated by our family therapy instructors. Each month, we will select a book and invite our community to read, reflect, and enjoy.
Knowledge and relationships are power. While relationships inspire us to grow with one another, fear of the unknown can drive us apart. When someone looks, acts, loves, or identifies differently, a fellow neighbor can be made a stranger; and invariably seen as inferior. The antidote to fear, of course, is curiosity and an open mind.
Ackerman’s Community Book Club is a pathway to curiosity. We invite you to read one book each month that explores diversity, equity, and inclusion. The books on our list have been selected with the aim of increasing knowledge, empathy, willingness, and skill to confront xenophobia as therapists, educators, and lifelong learners, in the personal and professional spaces we occupy.
We invite you to enjoy these books individually or gather freely with colleagues and friends to explore honest conversations with courage and curiosity.
Check back for the Ackerman Community Book Club book of the month.