Couples Therapy Certificate Program Policies

The following policies pertain to the Ackerman Institute for the Family’s Post-Master’s Certificate Program in Couples Therapy.

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    Attendance is essential to learning and required to receive continuing education credits.

    Continuing Education Benefit

    Ackerman is approved to provide CEs for psychologists, social workers, and marriage and family therapists in New York State. Also, the Ackerman Institute for the Family is an AASECT-Approved Organizational Provider of CE credits. The Post-Master’s Certificate Program in Couples Therapy will provide up to 24 CE credits. Please note that you must attend classes in their entirety and complete an evaluation to receive CE credits.

    Application Requirements

    To apply, applicants will submit the following:

    • Completed online application form
    • Copy of graduate degree or proof of degree pending
    • CV / Resume
    • Non-refundable $100 application fee (Waived for 2024-2025 academic year)

    Applicants must hold a graduate degree in social work, marriage and family therapy, psychology, psychiatry, or other mental health profession. 

    Applications must be received by the application deadline of September 30, 2024.

    Admissions Decisions

    Applicants will be notified of decisions by email within 10 business days of receipt of the completed application.

    The Ackerman Institute thoroughly considers all credentials and application materials. We may not be able to accept all qualified trainees as competition is great each year for the limited number of spots in our program.

    Tuition Policy

    The full cost of tuition is due within 5 business days of acceptance. If acceptance is after September 30, 2024, the full cost of tuition is due by October 04, 2024.

    Tuition payments are made through an online course registration form. Trainees will be provided with a link to course registration upon acceptance.

    We accept American Express, MasterCard, and Visa. Cash and checks are not accepted. 

    Financial Aid

    Financial aid is not available for the couple therapy certificate program.

    The Ackerman Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that relies on donors and earned revenue to work toward our mission. The full expense of training at Ackerman is subsidized by the generosity of our donors. Your tuition fees cover only a small portion of this expense. We thank you for investing in your professional future and for supporting the Ackerman Institute for the Family.

    Completing the Program

    Trainees who successfully complete the program will receive an Ackerman Institute for the Family certificate and CE credits. Trainees must complete evaluations to receive CE credits.

    Certificates will be issued within two weeks of program completion.


    For questions about admissions and billing, contact:
    Ackerman Admissions Office:

    For questions about course curriculum, contact:
    Ackerman Training Office: